Higher education
Developing the case for expansion of an allied health program
An allied health professional association
We developed a report which summarised the case for presentation to universities that might consider expanding their allied health or health sciences programs to include this allied health program.
Review of Practice Standards
An allied health professional association
We reviewed, revised and updated the association’s Practice Standards, leading the review process to deliver a set of standards clearly aligned with the association’s code of ethics and other key documents.
Evaluation of the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education
Department of Education, Skills and Employment
We evaluated the appropriateness, efficiency and effectiveness of the activities and performance of the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE).
Health Check Review
Universities Australia
We undertook a health check of UA and reviewed UA operations, examining whether UA’s broad positioning was fit for purpose in an increasingly complex operating environment.
Advice and assistance with strategic and regulatory options for higher education delivery
A high profile medical research institute
The Institute was looking to make a significant investment to secure its long-term sustainability. In particular it was exploring options to develop an ongoing pipeline of medical researchers through education consonant with the proposed strategic growth in its research and teaching activities.
To support this more agile and innovative approach to recruiting and developing the next generation of medical researchers the Institute was exploring options such as becoming a distinctive provider of research-focused tertiary education. We provided advice to the Institute regarding its business case, the regulatory requirements, and strategic options.
Expanding research cooperation between regional Australia & Southeast Asia
Department of Education, Skills and Employment
For this project, six teams from four Australian regional universities were awarded grants by the Department to develop collaborative research activities with colleagues in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic required significant changes in focus and approach to establishing and sustaining meaningful research partnerships.
Strategic planning framework
A regional university
The University sought to develop a best practice planning, monitoring and reporting framework and processes for its strategic, operational and financial plans. In addition, the University wanted to identify potential improvements to current practice, including advice on the use of tools and templates that provide a streamlined and embedded process going forward.
Quality Assurance of Work Integrated Learning in Australian Higher Education
Commonwealth Department of Education, Skills and Employment
We provided advice to the Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP) on the adequacy of quality assurance arrangements and the associated policy guidance for Work Integrated Learning (WIL) activities undertaken as part of higher education courses in Australian higher education. The expansion of WIL beyond fields of study with long-established approaches to the design and oversight of experiences required for entry to professions had raised concerns about the quality of the WIL experience for students and their learning outcomes. The project team also examined the adequacy of the quality assurance arrangements and the appropriateness of policy settings to support industry workplace or end-user placements (‘placements’) undertaken as part of postgraduate (higher) degrees by research (HDR).
Academic Credit Arrangements
Commonwealth Department of Education
We undertook research to support the Higher Education Standards Panel’s consideration of the adequacy of the regulatory framework for academic credit pathways in higher education.
Widening participation by low socio-economic status, indigenous and students with a disability
A Go8 university
The project analysed and evaluated current activities and plans for widening participation of equity groups, and provided recommendations about future models for widening participation.