Higher education
Review of the student experience
A Go8 University
A review of the student experience, focusing on the co-curricular experience.
Unified tertiary sector project
The two peak representative bodies for TAFEs & Universities
Exploration of what a unified tertiary sector in Australia might look like if higher education and vocational education were combined.
Guiding an institution to successfully gain Specialist University Status
A new University
Provision of data and review and suggestion of substantial amendments to both the draft and final versions of the instituitions successful application as the first provider in Australia to be granted specialist university status.
University funding methodology
An international university grants commitee
Review of funding methodology through an analysis of international funding systems, for the Hong Kong University Grants Committee.
Governance reform for sustainable success
A University in NSW
Development of a suitable, effective and efficient governance structure and systems for a Faculty.
Opportunities in allied health education
A University in NSW
Market analysis of university offerings in the allied health fields and their potential value to the University's academic profile.
Articulation within VET and between VET and higher education
Two state government departments
Investigation of the ongoing challenge for government to ensure effective means for VET students to meet their education and training needs through progress from VET qualification to VET qualification and, where desired, into higher education qualifications with appropriate credit.
Review of Australian Higher Education
Commonwealth Department of Education and Training
Throughout 2008, the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) engaged David Phillips and Bruce Chapman of PhillipsKPA to provide advice to the Higher education review panel, which was chaired by Emeritus Professor Denise Bradley.
Administration and service improvement
A Victorian University
Assisting the University in reform and the change management process to improve the operation, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of academic, administrative and service processes.
Financial management strategy
A Victorian University
Development of a new financial management framework and budget process, including a revised financial forecasting methodology and the implementation of a new budget model to provide greater transparency in the assignment of revenues and attribution of costs across the University.