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Our Projects


Review of a science education program


A review of one of CSIRO’s education programs aimed at promoting STEM and enthusing students about STEM. 

Evaluation of restorative practice in schools

A state government department of education

The Department piloted a program aimed at restoring relationships and reducing the harm caused by disruptive and/or negative behaviours in schools through the application of restorative practice. The program involved training teachers and student support staff in the pilot schools and the provision of support and advice to these schools by a community service organisation experienced in restorative practice.

Evaluation of initiatives aimed at maximising learning of students with disabilities

A state government department of education

An evaluation of three pilot projects aimed at maximising the learning of all students with disabilities in state government schools. These interrelated pilot projects aimed at improving opportunities for students with disabilities in Victorian government schools by building capability within schools; sharing expertise between schools; and promoting inclusive culture at a whole school level. The evaluation assessed the initiatives for appropriateness (fitness for purpose); efficiency (processes); and effectiveness (achieving the expected impact).

Evaluation of the Enhancing the Training of Mathematics and Science Teachers (ETMST) Program

Office for Learning and Teaching

An evaluation of the Enhancing the Training of Mathematics and Science Teachers (ETMST) Program. PhillipsKPA worked collaboratively with the Office for Learning and Teaching and the ETMST project teams to design and conduct project specific evaluations.

Program evaluation of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Action Plan (2012-2014)

A state government department of education

An evaluation undertaken in association with ACIL Allen Consulting. Our role was to undertake consultations and longitudinal case studies to evaluate the impact of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Action plan across all Australian States and Territories. The methodology included 32 case studies in schools each year over 2012-2014 to provide the opportunity to elaborate in detail on 'what works' in 'what contexts' as well as identifying barriers and other issues which may impact on the efficacy of the Action Plan.

Evaluation of the More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) Initiative (2012-2015)

Commonwealth Department of Education

The Australian Government provided $300 million, over three years, of additional funding to government and non-government education authorities under the More Support for Students with Disabilities initiative. Under a National Partnership Agreement, education authorities had selected activities that would best support students, teachers and schools in their jurisdiction. PhillipsKPA was commissioned to evaluate the MSSD initiative from the implementation stage in 2012 to the final phase of reporting in 2015. The evaluation included consultations with all eight government education authorities and 16 non-government education authorities in every state and territory, mapping of outputs from each jurisdiction, extensive data gathering through fieldwork, 15 annual information seminars in each capital city and selected regional areas, and more than 40 case study examples of good practice. The evaluation concluded with a national launch of the final report in June 2015 in Canberra.

Review of state government schools

A state government department of education

We are members of the panel established by the government to undertake reviews of government schools in the state. In undertaking these reviews we conduct an in-depth examination of a school's performance by analysing the school's self-evaluation and other relevant data, and, where required, conduct intensive field work in the school, liaising with regional and central Department staff as required.

Child safety pulse checks

Department of Education and Training Victoria

Compliance with Ministerial Order 870 Child Safe Standards – Managing the Risk of Child Abuse in Schools in all Victorian schools is mandatory and implementation is critical for managing the risk of child abuse in schools. The pulse check program was implemented to provide independent assessment of school compliance with the Standards, while providing an opportunity for schools to receive advice regarding compliance. We undertook over 150 pulse checks for the Department from 2017 to 2019.

Resource allocation model - schools

A state government department of education

Development of a Resource Allocation model for state schools, in conjunction with PricewaterhouseCoopers, as key component of reforms which to enable state public schools to make local decisions on the use of resources to improve outcomes for students.

Interim evaluation of an indigenous education initiative

A state government department of education

An interim evaluation of the initiative for the purpose of determining the extent to which the initiative has become established, the effectiveness of the implementation arrangements and to gather data to determine whether the initiative has had any impact to date.