Update of policies and procedures pre-reregistration
A metropolitan TAFE
We assisted with review and update of policies and procedures as part of the TAFE’s preparation for upcoming TEQSA and ASQA registration renewals.
Review of people and culture
A regional TAFE
We conducted an external independent review of the organisation’s ways of working and its culture, on behalf of the Board.
Review of budgeting, forecasting and reporting
A Victorian TAFE
We reviewed the TAFE’s budget and forecasting processes, its reporting to management, Finance Committee and Board, and capabilities in relation to staff and systems. Our recommendations provided the Institute with some of the tools and processes it needed to support the senior executive to address the Institute’s challenges in a tough financial environment.
Evaluation of an engagement and learning support program
A state government department of education
An evaluation of an engagement and learning support program aimed at supporting disengaged high needs learners into education/training through the provision of wrap around services, through a case management approach which facilitates access to relevant supports such as mental health services, literacy and numeracy support and financial/living support.
Delivery of National Apprenticeship Forums 2017 -18
Commonwealth Department of Education and Training
We hosted a series of five forums for the Department of Education and Training during 2017-18 to assist with policy development to ensure apprenticeships are able to meet the future skill needs of Australian industry. The scope of the forums includes apprenticeships in trade and non-trade occupations.
Assistance with Business Cases
A Victorian TAFE
A Victorian TAFE is implementing a whole of region Strategic Asset Management Plan. This will ensure training is delivered from locations that maximise accessibility to facilities that are first rate and attractive to students. In turn, this will make it more attractive for those students to remain in the area and study locally rather than face higher costs of studying elsewhere. PhillipsKPA was commissioned by the TAFE to develop the business cases for three sites in late 2017 to underpin its whole of region strategy
Evaluation of the National Foundation Skills Strategy Project
A state government department of development
The evaluation used a range of quantitative and qualitative techniques to understand and assess the outcomes of the National Foundation Skills Strategy project and its appropriateness and effectiveness.
Application for funding
A large dual sector Victorian University
We identified a funding opportunity for the University - a state government program established to put TAFEs on a more competitive footing and to increase the capacity of TAFEs to meet student, industry and community needs. We assisted with the development and submission of a number of successful funding bids in the areas of learner support, program delivery, capability building and developing assets to meet community need.
Structural review
TAFE Directors Australia
A review of the structure of TDA, informed by changing governance of TAFEs in many states, and advice regarding positioning, structure and scope of a peak body for TAFE nationally, in the context of VET reform agendas.
Policy discussion paper - VET FEE HELP
A university's online provider
Assistance with the drafting of a discussion paper regarding VET FEE HELP, submitted to the state government Minister for Training.