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Emeritus Professor Martin Betts joins PhillipsKPA as Associate

PhillipsKPA welcomes Emeritus Professor Martin Betts as its latest new Associate. Martin has spent close to 40 years working in Universities in 3 continents where he has seen the transformational impact they have on individual lives, industry partners, precincts of which they are part, and communities they serve.

Academic Credit Arrangements Report

The Department of Education, Skills and Employment commissioned background research to support the Higher Education Standards Panel's (HESP) consideration of the adequacy of the regulatory framework for academic credit pathways in higher education. 

Fran Reddan joins PhillipsKPA as Associate

PhillipsKPA welcomes Fran Reddan as a new Associate. Fran is a distinguished educator with a deep knowledge of schools. A National Fellow of the Australian Council of Educational Leaders (ACEL), and the Australian College of Educators (ACE), Fran’s experience spans more than 30 years, including teaching at primary, secondary and tertiary levels.

COVID-19 impacts on universities “the biggest shock ever”

The measures to control the coronavirus pandemic will produce “the biggest shock ever” experienced by the higher education sector, says PhillipsKPA Director, David Phillips.

Speaking on ABC Radio National with interviewer Geraldine Doogue and Monash University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Margaret Gardner, David said that the sector was facing enormous revenue reductions from international student fees. 

National Apprenticeships Forums

Between August 2017 and June 2018, PhillipsKPA delivered a series of five forums to assist the Department of Education and Training with policy development to ensure apprenticeships are able to meet the future skill needs of Australian industry. 

New director joins PhillipsKPA

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Anne Baly as a Director of PhillipsKPA. Anne is a valuable addition to our leadership team and she brings to PhillipsKPA her extensive experience in research, higher education and international policy and implementation, strategic planning and advice, and high level leadership in the public and education sectors.

Robin Pollard joins PhillipsKPA as Key Associate

PhillipsKPA welcomes Dr Robin Pollard as a new Key Associate. Robin brings international expertise and academic depth to educational and research organisations in need of support and direction to reach their strategic goals. He has direct experience and an impressive track record in strategic planning, change management and performance improvement at universities in Australia, New Zealand, UK and Malaysia.

PhillipsKPA congratulates Federation Training on successful funding bid

PhillipsKPA congratulates Federation Training on the successful funding of $25 million for a new Federation Training campus at Port of Sale in Gippsland and $35.5 million for the transformation of Federation Training’s Morwell campus. 

Evaluation of the ETMST Program: 2013-2017

The Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching commissioned PhillipsKPA, in collaboration with The University of the Sunshine Coast, to evaluate and support the ETMST Program. Funded for $18.9m over 2013-2017, the Program involved 27 universities working in five project teams and is a key part of the Australian Government's $54m Investing in Science and Maths for a Smarter Future initiative.

Mapping Professional Accreditation in Australian Higher Education

A report by PhillipsKPA on the extent and scope of professional course accreditation practices in Australian higher education.

School Reviews – Department of Education and Training (Vic)

PhillipsKPA offer a distinctive, independent, in-depth understanding of management, policy and strategic issues across the Victorian school system. This is combined with a close working relationship with central office personnel, regions, and extensive knowledge and experience in conducting reviews and evaluations within the school sector in Australia, at both the national and jurisdictional level. 

Implementing transformational change: How universities can remain alert to key warning signs

In 2016, PhillipsKPA Director, Dr Craig McInnis spoke as part of an expert panel at the LH Martin Institute Service Improvement and Innovation in Universities Conference in Brisbane. As an expert on university change management and policy implementation, Craig shared with the group some of the key ‘warning signs’ for university leaders to be aware of when implementing transformational change.  Craig also offered some tips for how university managers can respond to keep change implementation on track.